Course Overview
The Lawful & The Prohibited I – VI is a structured programme designed to provide students with the essential rulings and evidences for everyday life in the modern era.
This course contributes to the student’s holistic training by providing an in-depth, practical handbook; a go-to guide for answers concerning the customary issues of day-to-day life – especially for Muslims in the West.
The Lawful and The Prohibited I: Fiqh of Muslim Life
The Lawful and The Prohibited II: Fiqh of Marriage and Family Life
The Lawful and The Prohibited III: Fiqh of Education and Entertainment
The Lawful and The Prohibited IV: Fiqh of Islamic Finance
The Lawful and The Prohibited V: Fiqh of Islam, State and Society
The Lawful and The Prohibited VI: Fiqh of Dawah